What to Expect from a Psychedelic-Assisted Journey

Preparation is about establishing trust, transparency and safety. We make the unknown know so there are less variables to manage. We offer confidential online registration, digital forms, and a brief consultation covering medical intake, risk assessment, and a custom road map tailored for your unique journey. Intentions are set and stated. We eliminate any unnecessary barriers to entry so you can start healing now.

The Container
A container is a safe space to heal. A place to be seen, heard, and valued. It is beyond set and setting. It includes all aspects of the experience, the people, and the medicines involved. The Sanctuary has been carefully designed to support a sense of safety and comfort. We hold you and your heart with care and compassion.

Journey Day
You will be asked to stop eating and drinking several hours before your journey. Everything will be provided. You may bring a personal item for comfort and security. Most journey’s last 2-8 hours. Choose stillness, choose yourself. This is your opportunity to practice loving self-care.

Navigating Your Journey
Your normal perception of reality will be altered. Approach everything with curiosity. You are on a journey to find the keys
that will unlock the doors and open your heart. This is your
journey back to love. Your guides have navigated this terrain before and are present to ensure your safety and wellbeing are supported at all times.

After Care
Your focus is to practice self-care and ground your experience. Don't worry about the meaning-making, it will come with integration. You may feel like you have a "vulnerability hangover." All of that is normal and temporary. As a general principle, choose you! This is about recovery.

Symbolism and information from your journey will be processed, reframed, and recontextualized to create a sense of wholeness. Integration is best done shortly after your journey to capitalize on optimal neurological conditions. This is the time for meaning making. This is the work.